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Com­pa­ri­son bet­ween va­rious cutting tool co­oling sys­tems

Cooling cutting tools and tool holders during the machining process is a must in terms of process reliability. The method of cooling is crucial for the quality of the machining results and the tool life.

Cool Flash com­pa­red to com­pe­ti­ti­ve sys­tems

Example for ineffective tool cooling (red): If the slip-on sleeves are used with nozzles, ineffective cooling takes place because the coolant doesn't reach the cutting edge

Example for optimized tool cooling (green): In this picture the Cool Flash system from HAIMER is used. With this effective cooling system the tool is cooled up to the cutting edge

Cool Flash - test re­sults

Tool: Cutting tool (two flutes)
Tool diameter: 20 mm
Protruding length: 50 mm
Pressure: 20 bar
RPM: 12.000 U/min

Many of our customers have already successfully used the Cool Flash technology. Learn more about the benefits of the Cool Flash system:

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